

Date Category Time Event Note Add to calendar
Sun 1st Gents Competition 4 Ball
Visiting Party 10:30 Fisherman's Rest VP
Mon 2nd Mixed Bank Holiday Mixed Start sheet on HowDidIdo
Tue 3rd Gents Match EGGS V Sitwell (AWAY)
Gents Competition Men's Fiddle
Gents Match 6-18 Foursomes at Waterfront (Away)
Wed 4th Ladies Competition Betty Horsfall Medal Finals + Medal + 9 Holes in 2's
Gents Match League V Sitwell Park (Away)
Thu 5th Gents Competition Mid Week Medal Finals
Fri 6th Visiting Party 11:00 Mulligan VP
Sat 7th Mixed Mixed Medal + 2nd Round Spring Bowl + EG
Sun 8th Mixed RNLI - 4BBB Stableford
Mon 9th Ladies Competition Challenge Bowl Round 1 Deadline
Open Event 09:00-10:30 Ladies Am-Am (9:00am-10:30am NO FOOD) 4BBB Stableford Competition (No Food Am) Tee Times 9:00am-10:30am - NO FOOD INCLUDED £80 per team entry
Open Event 10:40-14:30 Ladies Am-Am (10:40am-2:30pm Meals included) 4BBB Stableford Competition (Including Food) Tee Times 10:40am-2:30pm - FOOD INCLUDED £136 per team entry
Tue 10th Gents Competition Men's Fiddle
Gents Competition 08:30 EGGS Cuth Harrison Trophy
Gents Match 16:00 Club v Chesterfield (Home) Friendly Match against Chesterfield Golf Club Tee Off from 4:00pm Meal after -Smart Casual Sign up on the Men's Competition board (Open to all playing members)
Wed 11th Ladies Competition Given Day - Mandy Dench & Robin Hall Teams of 3 - Fun Competition
Gents Match League V Renishaw (HOME)
Thu 12th Gents Competition Midweek Medal
Fri 13th Ladies Match 12:00 Ladies Friendly V Beauchief (Away)
Visiting Party 15:00 Jackson VP
Sat 14th Ladies Match Ladies Weekend League V Bondhay (Away)
Gents Competition Sickleholme Bowl
Sun 15th Mixed Mixed v Wortley (Away)
Visiting Party 10:30 Craig Parmaore VP
Mon 16th Gents Competition Vets KO Round 2 Deadline
Gents Competition Captain's Round 2 Deadline
Gents Competition 4 Ball & 4 Somes Round 2 Deadline
Ladies Match Ladies A V Woodsome Hall (Away)
Ladies Competition 10:00 Ladies Fiddle
Ladies Match 12:00 Ladies Scratch V Lindrick (HOME)
Tue 17th Gents Competition Men's Fiddle
Gents Match 6-18 Foursomes v Tankersley (Home)
Gents Match 08:30 EGGS V Hallamshire (HOME)
Wed 18th Ladies Competition Betty Carson Stableford Final & Stableford + 9 Hole (in 2's)
Thu 19th Gents Competition Men's Fiddle
Mixed 17:00-17:30 Mixed Friendly Evening
Fri 20th Visiting Party 11:00-12:00 Rob Higginbottom - VP
Sat 21st Ladies Match Ladies Weekend League V Lees Hall (Home)
Gents Competition Hughes Team Trophy To play in this event you must sign up in the Men's corridor from 2nd May. 4 Man team - Medal
Sun 22nd Mixed Individual Stableford
Visiting Party 11:00 Hancock VP
Mon 23rd Ladies Competition 10:00 Ladies Fiddle
Visiting Party 11:40 Blue Stoops GS
Ladies Match 17:50-18:30 Ladies Evening League V Abbeydale HOME
Tue 24th Gents Competition EGGS
Gents Competition Men's Fiddle
Visiting Party Stockport Ladies Exchange AWAY
Wed 25th Gents Match League V Hillsborough (Away)
Ladies Competition 07:30-10:30 Ladies Casual Golf Casual golf bookable through HowDidIDo
Visiting Party 10:40-13:30 Ladies Stockport Exchange Day
Thu 26th Gents Competition Mid Week Stableford
Gents Match 6-18 Foursomes at Wheatley (Away)
Visiting Party 11:20 Dawson VP
Fri 27th Visiting Party 08:30-13:00 Hammer Golf Day
Ladies Match 14:00-15:00 Ladies Sickleholme V Wakefield (HOME)
Sat 28th Social Event 19:00 Fish Night Please book at the bar
Sun 29th Ladies Match Ladies Weekend League V Bondhay (Home)
Mon 30th Ladies Competition Blower 4Somes Round 2 Deadline
Mixed Mixed KO Round 2 Deadline
Ladies Competition 10:00 Ladies Fiddle
Tue 31st Gents Competition Men's Fiddle
Gents Match 6-18 Foursomes v Rotherham (Home)
Gents Competition 08:30 EGGS Worthington Cup
Visiting Party 13:00-15:00 Storey Golf Day