
June Greens Report

Soil temperatures are now on the increase and after a successful scarification, topdress and feed greens have almost fully recovered from the early season hollow core. As you will be aware the poa annua seed heads are now in full bloom (exaggerated by the feed) These seed heads have deliberately been allowed to flower to help aid greens & course recovery, which I'm glad to say has worked, unfortunately owing to the nature of the plant, when flowering the putting surfaces tend to become slower & bobblier.

As of Wednesday 1st June the greens have been verti-cut, to reduce the appearance of the seedlings. A chemical will be applied ( when conditions allow) to help with seed reduction by weakening the plants ability to hold onto the seed heads, which will allow normal mowing to remove more. On Thursday 2nd of June we have also reduce the height of cut on the greens mower now fitted with our tournament blades.

Watering - To help improve the greens root growth, disease resistance & general plant health, the greens should never be over watered, over watering causes Shallow roots, pitch marks, a disease haven, poor mowing condition etc etc etc, which all result in bad greens,By allowing the greens to dry naturally this encourages the roots to search for a water source, which in tern makes the root longer & healthier.  sometimes we have to rely on the weather 4 casts, which get it wrong & then we get it wrong, but rest assured the amount of water being applied may not help your golf game But is certainly helping your greens.

The sections of the heavy rough have now been sprayed with " rescue" and the die back process should hopefully begin soon.

The course will be weedkilled by an outside contracter  ASAP, unfortunately the high winds recently have postponed proceedings.

Thanks for your attention

Play well
